Tighe & Bond Honored with ACEC/CT Merit Engineering Excellence Award

Intersection of Daniels Farm Road and Strobel Road post-construction with a new traffic signal, designated turn lanes, and pedestrian crossing phases.
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Connecticut (ACEC/CT) awarded Tighe & Bond with a 2023 Engineering Excellence Merit Award for the complete reconstruction of Strobel Road in Trumbull, Connecticut.
The heavily trafficked mile-and-a-half stretch of road includes a busy intersection in a densely populated neighborhood near two schools and fire station. Tighe & Bond’s transportation engineers designed a solution that addresses the road’s deteriorated pavement and stormwater issues, as well as improves safety for the community. The project received $6.5 million in funding from Connecticut’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP), allowing the Town to address cost concerns and move forward with complete roadway reconstruction.
The project included significant drainage improvements, with 56 new catch basins and 8 catch basin tops replaced. An undersized culvert was replaced with a twin 7’x7’ box culvert that can handle the flow from nearby Booth Hill Brook during a 100-year-storm event, providing a foot of freeboard to ensure the resilience of the roadway. Additionally, the road was reconstructed to have a uniform width and improved horizontal and vertical curvature. Lastly, a new traffic signal with pedestrian crossing phases and designated turn lanes was installed at the intersection of Daniels Farm Road and Strobel Road to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion in school zones.
“The Strobel Road project was a complex reconstruction project including drainage, paving, a large box culvert, and a traffic signal, while maintaining access to two schools and over 6,000 cars per day. Through the hard work of Tighe & Bond, from design to construction, the reconstruction of this important roadway was a success, and we look forward to more successful projects with them in the future,” said William Maurer, Town Engineer, Town of Trumbull.

New 7’ by 7’ box culverts post-construction, replacing the twin five-foot culverts, with utilities hanging on the head and end wall instead of running beneath the pavement.