Tag: Connecticut

Tighe & Bond to participate in CT Building Congress Webinar ā€œCOVID-19 and the Great Indoors – Making Interior Spaces Saferā€

Tune in March 9th to the Connecticut Building Congressā€™s webinar ā€œCOVID-19 and the Great Indoors ā€“ Making Interior Spaces Saferā€ to hear Todd Holland, Senior Mechanical…

Technical Specialist Spotlight: Daniel Valentine, PE

Learn about Dan’s work on a wide range of dam, drinking water, and water resources projects.

Compliance Specialist Joe Mastrangelo Certified as UST A/B Operator in Connecticut

Project Compliance Specialist Joe Mastrangelo is now a certified Underground Storage Tank (UST) A/B Operator and can assist clients…

Technical Specialist Spotlight: Fred Mueller, PE

Get to know the expertise of our team through our Technical Specialist Spotlight.

Tighe & Bond Publishes 2019 CT Water & Sewer Rate Surveys

Since 1998, Tighe & Bond has gathered and published Connecticut water and sewer user rates data that municipal government, regional authorities, and private water suppliers can use as a benchmarking tool for comparing their rates against other suppliers in the state.

2019 CT Water Rates Survey

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