Rich Benevento, APWA Board Member, Meets with Government Leaders

The Board of Directors of the American Public Works Association meets with government leaders to discuss infrastructure, resiliency, and other priorities.
As a member of the Board of Directors of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and Tighe & Bond’s Client Sector Leader for state transportation agencies, Richard Benevento frequently connects with government leaders at all levels to discuss priorities related to infrastructure, transportation, growth, and resiliency.
Earlier this month, Rich and his fellow APWA Board members met with senior White House staff and advisors to talk about how the federal government and AEC industry can best coordinate to deliver much-needed infrastructure projects.
The APWA Board met with senior White House advisors on infrastructure and economic development, as well as leadership from the federal Department of Transportation and the White House Council on Environmental Quality, including Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt, Deputy Assistant to the President for Infrastructure Implementation Samantha Silverberg, U.S Department of Transportation Undersecretary for Policy Carlos Monje, Senior Director, National Environmental Policy Agency (NEPA) Ana Unruh Cohen, Director for Permitting and Innovation Michael Drummond and Senior Advisor to the President John Podesta.
In addition to discussing the rollout of the Investment in Infrastructure & Jobs Act (IIJA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the attendees discussed permitting and grant processes, transportation initiatives, and the need for resiliency to protect communities against climate change and sea level rise.