Truro Local Comprehensive Plan - Tighe & Bond

Truro Local Comprehensive Plan

Project Highlights

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping
  • Community Engagement
  • Capital Facilities & Infrastructure Plan

Planning for the Future of a Coastal Town

Tighe & Bond is working with the Town of Truro to complete a comprehensive update to its 2005 Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) to address a range of issues facing the Town, such as housing, economic development, land use, and environmental protection.

Tighe & Bond’s scope is designed to help the Town capitalize on previous planning efforts and provide for sufficient stakeholder input to ensure that the LCP is consistent with the 2018 Cape Cod Regional Policy Plan and 2019 Local Comprehensive Plan Regulations.

Initial work focused on the development of a community engagement and public outreach strategy for the LCP effort. Tighe & Bond assisted the Town in preparing a community-wide survey and other outreach tools designed to reach seasonal residents and visitors. These outreach efforts are being used to inform the development of the community vision, growth policy, and goals for the LCP.

Tighe & Bond is also preparing existing conditions summaries for land use, housing, economic development, natural and cultural resources, open space and recreation, and community services and facilities. The next steps include the development of a plan for capital facilities and infrastructure required to support the implementation of the LCP and an action plan for implementation. The Town anticipates adoption of the LCP at the Fall 2023 Town Meeting followed by a review by the Cape Cod Commission confirming the LCP is consistent with the goals of the Act and Regional Policy Plan.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond assisted the Town of Truro in developing a community engagement strategy and outreach tools. Tighe & Bond is also providing the Town with GIS mapping support to help the Town monitor its assets and resources. Tighe & Bond is helping the Town to develop a Local Comprehensive Plan, as well as an action plan for implementation.

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