Helping to Secure State Funding and Public Project Support
Our firm is partnering with the Town of Watertown, MA on design and construction of a set of Complete Streets improvements along a 1.75-mile segment of Mt. Auburn Street (Route 16). The project scope consists of a feasibility study through the final design and construction of traffic and safety upgrades, implementing a Road Diet to reduce the roadway cross section from four travel lanes to two travel lanes.
The preliminary design phase included an extensive public participation program, including neighborhood workshops to obtain feedback prior to advancing the design of the preferred alternative. Our Transportation team assisted the Town in securing over $28 million in funding through the State Transportation Improvement Program for this project. The project is being used as a case study by MassDOT in developing its Road Diets policy.
The project is currently in the construction phase. Design elements include pavement reconstruction, enhanced bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, streetscape enhancements, and added on-street parking. The project also includes operational improvements at 10 signalized intersection locations along the corridor, high-intensity rapid flashing beacons at key pedestrian crossings, installation of Transit Signal Priority (TSP), and targeted safety improvements around Watertown High School, Hosmer Elementary School, and Coolidge Square. The design utilized the expertise of our Landscape Architecture team to include green infrastructure elements and realistic site renderings to help stakeholders visualize the options for constructed improvements.
Services Snapshot
Tighe & Bond assisted the Town of Watertown with design, bidding, funding assistance, and construction phase services in support of the reconstruction of Mount Auburn Street.