Pound Pond Wetlands Restoration

Project Highlights

  • Evaluation of Trenchless Rehabilitation
  • Hydrologic Study
  • Examination of Existing Conditions
  • Sediment and Water Quality Sampling

Water Quality & Wetlands Improvements

We assisted the Town of Dennis, MA with improvements to the Town’s Pound Pond in order to enhance stormwater drainage, restore wetlands and wildlife habitat, and improve nearby public amenities. The pond provides stormwater drainage from Dennisport and Route 28. The project presented a unique combination of site constraints, including traversing wetlands, roadways, and coastal resource areas with potentially complex and costly permitting.

Our approach included an evaluation of trenchless rehabilitation to avoid unnecessary disturbance of sensitive wetland areas and buried utilities and a multi-level pond improvement analysis to maximize habitat restoration and improve pond water quality.

Services included examining the current conditions of the pond outlet drainage system that discharges to Nantucket Sound. This included inspection of the downstream culverts and tide gates, an evaluation of trenchless rehabilitation, construction costs, and permitting.

Evaluations for pond improvements included delineation of the wetlands, vegetation assessment, wildlife habitat evaluation, bathymetric survey, hydrologic and hydrology study for the drainage area and alternatives analysis for instream restoration, and landscape rendering of a full restoration concept.

The full concept for the improvements included construction of new riparian zones and fringe wetlands to filter sediment from stormwater, improving habitat and water quality. Modifications to the stream channel improve the hydraulic function of the waterway, and the surface area of the pond will be expanded to increase flood storage. Nearly 500 linear feet (LF) of previously culverted stream will be daylighted between the pond’s outflow and the intersection of Chase Road, providing additional stream channel habitat, expanded flood storage, and increased aeration.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond provided design and permitting services to the Town of Dennis to evaluate existing conditions of a tidal pond located in a key recreation area and alternatives for water quality and drainage improvements.

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