Evaluating Technical & Economic Feasibility of Anaerobic Digestion Projects
Tighe & Bond partnered with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to conduct technical and economic Feasibility Studies for two potential Anaerobic Digestion (AD) project sites at Massachusetts Department of Corrections facilities. The study’s goal was to help identify potential fatal flaws and community impacts, generate and evaluate development proposals with accurate project costs and benefits.
Projects were evaluated at the Massachusetts Correctional Institute facilities in Norfolk and Shirley, MA. The evaluated projects were stand-alone AD facilities that only used food, leaf, and yard waste for feedstock and did not involve wastewater sludge. The project’s goal was to help the state evaluate stand-alone AD projects’ technical and economic feasibility.
Tighe & Bond conducted comprehensive site assessments for each of the proposed project sites, including holistic evaluation of the site’s physical, environmental, and cultural characteristics in the interest of identifying the most developable areas on each site. This information was incorporated into a constraints map, including physical characteristics such as topography and vegetation, environmental and cultural considerations ranging from wetlands resources to feedstock availability, and all necessary zoning constraints that could affect the project’s outcome.
Our team combined the comprehensive feasibility studies and supporting documentation into one cohesive report, including a detailed description of the initial screening analysis and conclusions and recommendations. The findings of the reports were presented to local officials and the public in each of the communities. These reports were then incorporated into procurement documents to be issued by MassDEP and DCAMM to advance the projects to the construction phase. We also provided digital materials to MassDEP, so spreadsheets and calculations can be updated as regulations, and financial incentives change.
Services Snapshot
Throughout the project, Tighe & Bond coordinated with facility staff from various state agencies, collaborated with the MassDEP, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, The Department of Energy Resources, and the Division of Capital Asset Management. Tighe & Bond staff provided all the services required for the feasibility study in-house, including site civil, geotechnical, and electrical engineering services, wetlands and environmental assessment/permitting advice, and financial analysis.