Lakewood Cemetery – Garden Mausoleum

Project Highlights

  • Master Plan for Historic Lawn Plan Cemetery
  • 2013 National Award of Excellence in Design - American Society of Landscape Architects
  • 2012 Honor Award - Boston Society of Landscape Architects

Historic Master Plan and Open Space

Lakewood Cemetery, established in 1871, is one of America’s most beautiful cemeteries in the “Lawn Plan” tradition. Recognizing the value of protecting Lakewood’s beauty while maintaining its existence as an active cemetery, the Board of Directors of Lakewood Cemetery set out to create a comprehensive Master Plan. The Master Plan, prepared by our landscape architects, is built on solid historic research, visual analysis and market perspectives.

Working in collaboration with architects HGA, our landscape architects created a new monumental landscape for the 143-year-old cemetery on axis with the site’s landmark Byzantine Chapel, including a new Garden Mausoleum that enhances the historic landscape with an elegant contemporary design.

Services Snapshot

Halvorson | Tighe & Bond Studio provided landscape architectural design services in support of this project.

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