Addressing the Needs of Adjacent Wetlands
Tighe & Bond provided engineering services related to the site design and permitting for a proposed new Hannaford Supermarket in the Town of Ballston, New York. To grow its presence in New York, Hannaford Brothers Co. LLC proposed developing a new store on a site previously approved as a Planned Unit Development District. To proceed with development, an updated site plan, preliminary site engineering, and an updated environmental review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) was required. Tighe & Bond prepared a SEQRA Full Environmental Assessment Form to comply with these requirements.
As part of the initial design phase for the new store, Tighe & Bond performed wetland delineations, prepared site plans including developing the site layout, and provided geotechnical evaluation at the proposed site. Tighe & Bond also prepared a stormwater management plan and stormwater pollution prevention plan consistent with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.
Services Snapshot
Tighe & Bond prepared a Pre-Construction Notification application for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorization. This included the completion of a Jurisdictional Determination during a period of changing definitions of Waters of the US under the Clean Water Act. Construction of this store required mitigation for wetland impacts to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional wetlands. Wetland mitigation was designed to create new wetlands adjacent to the existing wetlands. Design included evaluation of site-specific hydrology, creation of conditions to develop hydric soils, wetland planting, and mitigation monitoring and reporting.
Tighe & Bond designed a 0.4 acre constructed wetland and conducted post-construction vegetation and hydrology monitoring and permit-required reporting.