Gilbert & Bennett Former Wire Mill Redevelopment

Project Highlights

  • Brownfields site in Redding’s historic Georgetown Village
  • Investigation of subsurface environmental conditions
  • Assessment of buildings for hazardous materials and structural conditions
  • Remedial planning for future redevelopment
  • Inspection of factory dam situated on the Norwalk River

Redeveloping a Historic Industrial Site

Our team is providing engineering services in support of a comprehensive redevelopment of the former Gilbert & Bennett Wire Mill industrial site in Redding, Connecticut, which ceased operations in 1989. The industrial operations of the site, which included producing a variety of metal products, have rendered the property a registered brownfield site requiring remediation.

As part of proposed redevelopment efforts for the site, our team has provided site/civil, permitting, and construction phase services. This included assistance with master planning, site planning, wetlands approvals, stormwater management, site/civil, floodwall, and bridge design, geotechnical investigations, wastewater engineering, dam inspections, stream channel encroachment lines permitting for demolition and development, design of the wastewater treatment plant expansion, and assistance with local and state permitting. Construction services have included observation on dam repairs, wastewater treatment plant upgrades, and soil management plans for handling soil during utility upgrades.

In addition, our team completed a structural evaluation and hazardous building materials assessments (HBMAs) of the remaining site buildings to identify adaptive mill re-use options. We also provided brownfields consulting and LEP services including Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) to identify release areas at the site. GIS resources were utilized to catalog over 1,000 recent and historical soil sampling locations and develop preliminary remedial plans to support future site redevelopment activities.

Our team recently completed environmental assessments of the site, and our team is currently working with the Town of Redding and the Gilbert & Bennett Oversight Committee to develop a conceptual remedial action plan to evaluate different redevelopment scenarios for the five parcels making up the site.

Services Snapshot

Tighe & Bond provided brownfields consulting, hazardous building materials assessment, Phase I/II/III ESAs, site/civil design, state and local permitting, construction observation, dam inspection, and floodwall and bridge design services of the former Gilbert & Bennett Wire Mill industrial site, a historic property in Redding’s historic Georgetown Village that is an EPA registered brownfield site.

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