Long-Term Planning for Chicopee’s Water Needs
Like many cities in New England, Chicopee has a combined sewer system, made up of 200 miles of pipe with 25 active combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Connecticut and Chicopee Rivers. As mandated by the EPA, Tighe & Bond first prepared a Long-Term CSO Control Plan (LTCP) to reduce wastewater overflows followed by an Integrated Wastewater and Stormwater Management Plan (IMP) that updated the LTCP and expanded the City’s water resources planning to include all its Clean Water Act-related obligations and infrastructure renewal needs. The IMP identified and prioritized projects related to drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and flood control.
The work included development of Capital Improvement Plans to address the City’s drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater infrastructure, as well as a financial capability analysis that estimates factors beyond the current EPA framework. Tighe & Bond also developed a Stakeholder Communication Plan for the city, and developed a prioritization and implementation plan for water resource-related projects.
The IMP served as a tool to negotiate a revision to the City’s Consent Decree while addressing its capital needs. Tighe & Bond helped the City secure State Revolving Fund (SRF) financing for the required work. In addition to planning and regulatory reporting, Tighe & Bond oversaw design and construction phase services for the infrastructure upgrades outlined in the IMP.
Services Snapshot
Tighe & Bond prepared a draft and final Long-Term CSO Control Plan (LTCP) for the City of Chicopee, followed by an Integrated Wastewater and Stormwater Management Plan (IMP) which updated and expanded the scope of the LTCP. Tighe & Bond conducted a detailed assessment of regulations, a financial capability analysis, and the development of an adaptive management plan to monitor and evaluate progress.