Leading Area-Wide Brownfields Assessments
Tighe & Bond worked with the Cecil Group to provide the City of Norwich with an area-wide brownfields study. Our firm identified the initial inventory of brownfields sites based on the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP)’s list of contaminated or potentially contaminated sites, and sites identified by the Connecticut Brownfields Redevelopment Authority. Over 100 potential brownfield sites were identified.
Based on CTDEEP and EPA file reviews, site visits, as well as environmental and infrastructure assessment, nine initial sites were selected for further study and development of potential redevelopment strategies. We also provided an overall review of the transportation needs in the vicinity of each of the sites. This assessment was based on local knowledge, conversations with the City’s Public Works Department and the Southeastern Regional Planning Agency.
We worked with the Cecil Group and the City to develop potential reuse scenarios for the target sites based on known information and identified potential brownfields funding sources for each target property through the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and EPA Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup programs.
Services Snapshot
Tighe & Bond’s scope of work included developing a brownfields inventory, assessing environmental conditions, prioritizing potential redevelopment sites and creating brownfields redevelopment strategies.