Americold Storage and Distribution Facility
Tighe & Bond worked with Americold, a cold storage warehouses & supply chain management company, for the construction of a state-of-the-art, temperature-controlled storage and distribution facility in Plainville, CT. The development consists of a 229,000 sf warehouse with 160 trailer spaces, 28 tractor spaces, 20 loading dock spaces, and 125 employee parking spaces on a 24 acre parcel.
Tighe & Bond completed the environmental investigation of the site which included the collection of soil, groundwater, and solid waste/debris. The site consisted of undeveloped forested land which was used primarily for sand and gravel operations from the early 1950s through the mid-1990s. Part of Tighe & Bond’s scope of work was to evaluate the presence or absence of releases to the environment (soil and groundwater) that may be associated with historic operations and land use practices conducted at the site.
Tighe & Bond worked closely with the Americold and the Town Planning Staff in the development of the site plans for both Planning & Zoning and Inland Wetlands Commission approvals. Land use plans included a site plan, grading plan, site utility plans, drainage and stormwater management plan, and landscape and lighting plan. We designed the stormwater management plans to incorporate low impact development techniques such as above grade stormwater detention basins, infiltration chambers, rain gardens, deep sump catch basins, and hydrodynamic separators. The proposed stormwater management design meets the Town and CTDEEP stormwater quality standards for attenuation of peak flows, volume reduction, and treatment. The project obtained Town land use approvals, CTDEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities, and Aquifer Protection approval.
Services Snapshot
Tighe & Bond’s of work included site/civil engineering, landscape architecture, survey, environmental (wetlands), environmental (soils), archeological, and geotechnical engineering services.