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Professional Leadership Spotlight: Jennifer Reynolds, PE

Through her involvement with the Connection Section of the American Water Works Association (CT AWWA), Jennifer Reynolds, PE, strives to further educational opportunities for water professionals through training opportunities, conferences, and organizational events.

Jennifer serves as co-chair of CT AWWA’s Education and Program Committee to organize and lead training opportunities for operators, helping to address the need for qualified operators in the industry while offering continued educational opportunities to improve upon their skillsets.

She has also been an active participant in the CT AWWA’s annual conferences through serving in various capacities – including as a technical session moderator, presenter, and on the planning committees – to help plan and implement the technical program. Additionally, she has been involved in the Strategic Planning Process to establish CT AWWA’s vision and goals and has served as a judge for the annual Hydrant Hysteria Training and Competition.

This year, she was awarded the CT AWWA Rising Young Professionals Award in recognition of her impact within the Section and work to advance young water professionals in the industry.

“I’ve been a member of organizations before as a participant, but to look behind the curtain is interesting and exciting,” Jennifer said. “The organization provides valuable services and opportunities not just to official members, but also to people who attend the conferences and events. I want to be a part of growing the Section, engaging and learning from others, and ensuring there are new people to help continue to shepherd the Section forward.”

Those leadership skills translate to her role in our firm as a Project Manager, where she oversees projects related to the treatment, distribution, and storage of clean drinking water.

“There is a lot of overlap between successfully leading a group of people to complete a project and successfully leading a group of people to pull off a conference,” she said. “As I get to use those skills in one arena, the other arena benefits.”

With the valuable experiences she’s had with CT AWWA, Jennifer has recruited her colleagues to join and encouraged deeper involvement for current members through participating in events and committees. Tighe & Bond has fostered a supportive environment for professional industry involvement, she said, which includes flexibility in her schedule to encourage the pursuit of leadership development opportunities.

“I think getting out there and getting exposure in the industry through these committees is a good way to learn technical skills, get to know other peers in the industry, and put Tighe & Bond’s name out there,” Jennifer said.