News & Events

July 2013 Regulatory News

Topics include: confined space dangers and OSHA standards, annual toxics use fees deadline, Stage II vapor recovery requirements,Ā Ā and good…

June 2013 Regulatory News

Topics include: formaldehyde scrutiny, the addition of underground storage tank locationsĀ added to MassGIS database, and proposed changes to MCP…

May 2013 Regulatory News

Topics include: Top TRI reporting tips, Ā updates to TRI and TURA reporting forĀ reporting year 2012, as well as OSHA…

April 2013 Regulatory News

Topics include: tips for preparing for OSHA’s site specific targeting program, and information on several important reporting deadlines…. To…

March 2013 Regulatory News

Topics include: Mass DEP”s annual greenhouse gas emissions reporting,Ā hazardous material processing regulations, and information onĀ Tighe & Bond training and…

January 2013 Regulatory News

Topics include: EPA standards for industrial boilers, Tier II reporting, the EPA auditing risk managment plan, and hazardous material…

November/December 2012 Regulatory News

Topics include: OSHA’s top 10 most frequently cited violations, EPA workshop for new Tier 2 filers, hazardous material processing…

Complimentary Breakfast Seminar Series

We are offering our annual fall breakfast seminar series at four convenient locations. They start on Oct.23, so take a look and see what might work…

October 2012 Regulatory News

Topics include: hazardous material processing permits, no action assurance for boilers expiration date, greenhouse gas emission verification,Ā and information on…

September 2012 Regulatory News

Topics include: greenhouse gas emission verification, EPA stormwater compliance inspections, and information on our upcoming complimentary environmental, health and…