News & Events

January 2018 Regulatory News

Your spotlight on important regulatory changes and upcoming deadlines is here. This month’s newsletter is chock full of todayā€™s latest news on regulatory updates and deadlines, industry changes, important OSHA news, and more.

Springfield Union Station Wins National Grand Prize For Brownfield Redevelopment Excellence

Springfield Union Station has won the prestigious Phoenix Award grand prize for the best brownfields redevelopment project in the…

MACC Annual Environmental Conference 2019

College of Holy Cross, Hogan Center
Worcester, MA
March 2, 2019

2019 Connecticut Town Meeting

Aqua Turf Club
Southington, CT
January 16, 2019

6th Annual Cape Coastal Conference

Hyannis Resort & Conference Center

Hyannis, MA

December 4 & 5, 2018

November 2017 Regulatory News

Our latest Regulatory Newsletter is here! What are some of the year end updates that you don’t want to miss?

Miles Moffatt, PE, BCEE Joins Tighe & Bond’s Water Practice

Leading water industry figure supports firm’s Northeast clients & water practice team as Vice President and Technical Director.

Mitigation Strategies for Stormwater Drainage Issues on Cape Cod

The proper design of any storm drainage system requires accumulation of basic data, familiarity with the project site, and understanding of hydrologic and hydraulic principles and drainage policy.

SNEAPA 2017 Conference

Rhode Island Convention Center
Providence, RI
October 26-27, 2017

New Hampshire Municipal Association’s (NHMA) Annual Conference and Exhibition

Radisson Hotel in Manchester
Manchester, NH
November 15-16, 2017