News & Events

Ribbon Cutting Takes Place for Memorial Beach Water Treatment Plant

Tighe & Bond engineers gathered with State and local officials for the ribbon-cutting ceremony for The Memorial Beach Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Webster, Massachusetts.

Tighe & Bond Names Lisa M. Robert, PE to Board of Directors

Lisa M. Robert, PE has been elected as a new member of Tighe & Bond, Inc.ā€™s Board of Directors.

Tighe & Bond Recognized in ENRā€™s Top 200 Environmental Firms Ranking

Tighe & Bond, a Northeast leader in engineering and environmental consulting, was recently recognized by Engineering News Recordā€™s (ENR) 2020 Top 200 Environmental Firms.

Finding Your Career Path as a Water and Wastewater Engineer

Staff Engineer Sam Taugher discovers his passion for design and construction observation.

Technical Specialist Spotlight: Daniel Valentine, PE

Learn about Dan’s work on a wide range of dam, drinking water, and water resources projects.

Engineer Tiffany Labrie Exemplifies the Impact of Women in the Engineering Industry

As she grows her engineering career, Vice President Tiffany Labrie is continually recognized as an exceptional leader and role model in her field and within communities.

Transportation Engineer Jianhong Wang, PE Helps Mold the Next Generation of Engineers

Jianhong Wang shares her journey in the Transportation Engineering field and how STEM programs are mentoring the next generation of engineers.

Brandee Nelson, PE Discusses How Women are Flourishing in STEM Careers

Brandee Nelson always knew she wanted to work in the STEM field and in a recent interview expressed how sheā€™s now watching the next generation of women navigate the same life decisions.

How Kamila Oā€™Neill, PE is Shaping the World of Engineering

For International Women in Engineering Day, Kamila Oā€™Neill discusses how women and others are shifting the norms of her industry.

Compliance Specialist Joe Mastrangelo Certified as UST A/B Operator in Connecticut

Project Compliance Specialist Joe Mastrangelo is now a certified Underground Storage Tank (UST) A/B Operator and can assist clients…