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Brookline Select Board Advances Washington Street Rehabilitation

Our Complete Streets rehabilitation of Washington Street in Brookline, Massachusetts is moving forward to the MassDOT 25% Design stage, following approval by the town’s Select Board.

We are working with the Town of Brookline to design improvements to an approximately 1.3 mile stretch of Washington Street from Washington Square to Brookline Village to provide safe and accessible options for all travel modes – pedestrians, bicyclists, micro-mobility users, transit riders, public safety vehicles, and motorists.

This rehabilitation includes operational and safety improvements, multi-modal accommodations, sidewalk level separated bicycles lanes, roadway and sidewalk reconstruction with ADA conforming pedestrian curb ramps, drainage improvements, improvements to traffic operations, new signs and pavement markings, and streetscape enhancements. We have also worked with the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) to consolidate bus stops along the corridor to improve transit operations.

Next steps will bring the project for review before the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) via the 25% Design submission.