Sean Riley, PE, CFM

Vice President

“Understanding client objectives and being responsive are key to successful client relations. Seeing their satisfaction when projects are completed is what motivates me.”

Sean M. Riley. P.E. is a Vice President in Tighe & Bond’s Land Use Business Line, specializing in the design and construction of facilities located within coastal and floodplain environments. He has extensive experience in site analysis and design, sewage disposal systems design, I/A wastewater technology, stormwater runoff systems design, road and site layout, and all phases of construction. Sean is a Certified Floodplain Manager with extensive knowledge of MassDEP and FEMA guidelines for construction in coastal floodplains, hazard risk mitigation, and floodplain management.

Sean’s in-depth knowledge of federal, state & local regulations has led to numerous engagements on expert panels. He has served on several professional committees, including MassDEP’s Advisory Committee, developing performance standards for construction projects within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. He has also served as an adjunct advisor to local communities rewriting floodplain regulations.

Life Outside of Work

Outside of work, Sean enjoys playing golf with friends at as many different courses as possible, spending long weekends at the family lake house in Belgrade, ME, and following the Bruins.

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